The wildly popular comic book series rides again as Skunky invents a robot called Metal Eve in this rollicking, supremely silly instalment of woodland madness.
Genius inventor Skunky has just designed a brand-new creation… a robot called Metal Eve! She needs to learn everything there is to know about life, so it’s probably not the best idea that she’s surrounded by Bunny, Monkey, Weenie, Pig and the gang.
The only thing she’s going to learn from them is that life in the Woods is very, very silly indeed! Laughs will be aplenty in the hit comic book sensation!
‘Perfect for fans of Dog Man‘ – Jamie Littler
‘Jamie Smart is a comics genius!’ – Philip Reeve
‘One of the best children’s comics of all time’ – Starburst Magazine
‘The funniest thing around’ – Comicon
‘Wonderfully wacky, witty and wild!’ – Laura Ellen Anderson
‘Inventive, original and completely wacky’ – BookTrust