A breathtaking, gothic twist on the story of The Nutcracker, Kuzniar’s bewitching debut focuses on a young Northern ballerina and the mysterious toymaker whose sinister magic holds out the promise of fulfilling all her dreams.
In the darkness of night, magic awaits…
It was a rainy day that the magic came, and once magic has entered your life, you stay in its glittering clutch forever.
Nottingham, 1906
Marietta Stelle longs to be a ballerina but as Christmas draws nearer, her dancing days are numbered. At the wishes of her family, she will be obligated to marry and take up her place in society in the New Year. But when a mysterious new toymaker, Dr Drosselmeier, purchases a neighbouring townhouse, it heralds the arrival of magic and wonder in her life. Although Drosselmeier’s magic is darker than Marietta could have imagined…
When he constructs an elaborate theatrical set for her final ballet performance, Marietta discovers it carries a magic all of its own. As the clock chimes midnight, Marietta finds herself walking through a land of snow-topped fir trees leading to a frozen sugar palace silent with secrets and must find a way to return home.
In the darkness of night, magic awaits and you will never forget what you find here…